There was huge excitement and delight in St Mary’s Secondary School on the 15th of August
when the anxious wait for the Leaving Certificate results came to an end. All of the students hard work, motivation and dedication paid off with over 72% (37.2% Nationally) of the group receiving over 400 points, over 54% (13.2% Nationally) of students receiving over 500 points. One student, Laura O’ Reilly, achieved the maximum 625 points.
Student, Karla O’ Shea, was over the moon “All the hard work that both us students and teachers have put into for preparing for these exams has clearly paid off and we honestly couldn’t be happier!”, she said.
Parent, Maria O’ Shea, was delighted with her daughters results “The girls worked so hard all year and deserved the great results they achieved”, she said.
Students beat the National Averages in subjects across the board! The school management would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the students, parents and teachers involved. We are extremely proud of the girls and would like to wish them all the very best of luck in the future.

Leaving Cert 2018: Ell – Marie Kelleher who is”Over The Moon” & Clodagh O’Sullivan who was very happy to pass smile together as they recieve their Leaving Cert results from St Mary’s Secondary School, Macroom, this morning. Picture: John Delea.

Leaving Cert 2018: Kate Bradley & Eadaonn Vanderkrogh both “Through the Moon” as they recieve their Leaving Cert results from St Mary’s Secondary School, Macroom, this morning. Picture: John Delea.

Leaving Cert 2018: A “Shocked” Kate Brady and a “Very Happy” Lydia Costello as they recieve their Leaving Cert results from St Mary’s Secondary School, Macroom, this morning. Picture: John Delea.

Leaving Cert 2018: Molly Cronin who is “Happy Out” & Éimhín O’Mahony who is looking forward to the celebrations tonight, are delighted as they recieve their Leaving Cert results from St Mary’s Secondary School, Macroom, this morning. Picture: John Delea.
There was huge excitement and delight in St Mary’s Secondary School on the 12th of September when the anxious wait for the Junior Certificate results came to an end. All of the students and teachers hard work paid off and they were all really happy with the results.
The girls were invited into school on the morning of the results where Trish in the canteen made a lovely breakfast for them. They were given their results by Mr Cooke at 10am and there was fierce excitement in the school as the girls shared the good news with their parents and teachers.
The school management would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the students, parents and teachers involved.
We are extremely proud of the girls.
St Mary’s Secondary School were delighted to welcome 60 new students to the school on Monday the 27th of August. On the day the 1st year girls were met by their new Principal, Vice Principal and Year Head. They spent the morning getting to know each other and their new school with the help of their Buddies.
The Buddy System is very effective in St Marys. This Buddy System sees fourth year students act as Role Models and mentors for the incoming first year students. The Buddies are of huge help and benefit to the 1st years, they help them with their lockers, books and timetables, they take them from class to class for the first few weeks, they make sure that they are ok during break and lunch time, they walk them to the Bus Stop after school. They help them to settle in to their new school, they help them to get to know other students in their class etc. They are a massive support to the first years and they really help them to transition from Primary School happily.
The Buddies are doing a fantastic job this year as the first years seem to be very happy and settled in their new school already.

The Buddies this year are Leah Coughlan, Ella Dobbie, Martyna Byrdziak. Aoife Clancy, Ciara O’ Donovan, Caoimhe Donovan and Andzelika Wyka, their Mentor is Ms O’ Donoghue.
On Wednesday the 12th of September the 6th year LCVP class put their teamwork, leadership and organisational skills to good use as they organised a Sports Day for all of our Junior students. They organised this event as part of their LCVP enterprise activity. With the help and guidance of PE teacher Mrs Kelleher and LCVP teacher Ms Tobin they organised a really enjoyable event. Great fun was had by all. Well done to all of the students who organised the event and to all of the students who participated.