St. Mary’s Student Wins Trip to Brussels
Congratulations to TY student Katie Davis who won a 3 day all-expenses paid trip to Brussels with our MEP Sean Kelly in November. She wrote a letter to Sean Kelly in European Studies class discussing climate change, the EU and “How Ireland can play its part in the global fight against Climate Change”. He was very impressed with Katie’s ideas and has invited her to travel to Brussels with a group of 10 students from around the South East constituency.
The agenda included meetings and tours in the European Parliament and the European Commission, free time in Brussels, and several climate change related activities.
Gaelfhíseán na Bliana
Congratulations to the St. Mary’s TY Irish classes of 2017/2018 on winning the “Gaelfhíseán na Bliana” competition for Contae Chill Mhantáin. The students won a prize of €1000 from Conradh na Gaeilge for their video “Tóg Mo Lámh”. Pól Ó Finn from Conradh na Gaeilge to the school to present the €1000 prize to the 5th year students as they were recently chosen as the winners of Gaelfhíseán na Bliana for Co. Chill Mhantáin. Pól congratulated the students involved on their great achievement and commended them on their positive attitude to the Irish language. The prize money received will be awarded to three 5th year students in the form of a scholarship to the Gaeltacht during the summer. Comhghairdeas do na daltaí agus na múinteoirí a bhí bainteach leis an bhfíseán.
The video can be viewed at this link
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Gaeilge 24”
Ar an 21 Samhain, ghlac na daltaí ón gCiorcal Cainte páirt san fheachtas “Gaeilge 24”. Labhair na daltaí atá sa chúigiú agus sa séú bliain Gaeilge ar feadh 24 uair an chloig. Bhí an t-uafás Gaeilge le cloisteáil timpeall na scoile i rith an lae. D’eagraigh na cailíní Díolachán Cáca ag am sosa agus ag am lóin agus bhí slua ollmhór ann ag ceannach agus ag díol cácaí trí mhean na Gaeilge. Bhaineamar go léir taitneamh as an lá. Mar a deir an seanfhocal “Beatha teanga í a labhairt.”
On the 21st of November, members of the Ciorcal Cainte took part in the national campaign, Gaeilge 24. The students involved from 5th year and 6th year spoke Irish for 24 hours. As part of the celebration of the day, the students organised a cake sale through Irish at break and lunch time. A great day was enjoyed by all and well done to all students for taking part.
History Trip to Derry
On Friday November 9th fifty two students accompanied by five teachers ,travelled to Derry for an action packed two day History trip. The tour included a visit to The Free Derry Museum, the Bogside,the famous Murals and the Apprentice Boys Museum. The visit was a unique opportunity for the girls to experience and explore the backround of the setting up of Northern Ireland, the Troubles , culminating in cessation of Republican and Loyalist violence and the signing of the Good Friday Agteement 1998. Many thanks to their teachers for organising such an enjoyable learning experience for the students.
Design Skills Programme
St. Mary’s College has been selected by the Arts Council to engage in a new partnership initiative between Education and the Arts aimed at promoting the Arts in schools. We are privileged to be one of only four schools [Primary and Post Primary] to be selected for this initiative in Co. Wicklow. The programme is being hosted by Art teachers Charlotte Murray and Ian Carter along with Drama teacher Elizabeth O’Dea and they are working with Ms. Cathy Devis who is our Arts Council Creative Associate. On Friday November 23rd Ms Devis visited the school to give a presentation to staff and later to all year groups as the programme is aimed at engaging the whole school community in the creative process.
Form 2 Art students have already begun work on this project and have teamed up with textile artist Maeve Hunter and are exploring the theme of ‘Place’. A recent visit to South Beach provided lots of inspiration for the girls, who are looking forward to exploring the creative process.