22 Feb 2018
News from Presentation Mitchelstown – February 2018
German Students visit Cologne German students had a wonderful time in Cologne, as part of their student exchange…
Presentation Secondary School, Mitchelstown, is a Christian Community of students, staff, parents and management, with a strong tradition of family loyalty. The school believes in a positive approach to discipline where students are guided and encouraged to accept responsibility for their behaviour.
Our school recognises that each student is unique and has different gifts as well as different needs. We endeavour to work in partnership with parents to develop these gifts and to meet the needs of all.
As well as being an educational establishment, our school is a truly Christian Community where the total curriculum aims to promote a balanced growth and development within each student. While emphasising the transmission of knowledge, we also stress the fostering of attitudes which enable intergration, growth and wholeness.
We encourage student involvement in decision-making and in projects directed towards student welfare so that all share more fully in promoting the school’s basic philosophy.
Within the curriculum, activities are designed to assist in the development of inter-personal and communication skills. The education offered includes the development of confidence and a healthy self-image. Therefore, skills and competencies necessary for life are promoted and actively encouraged as are sports, cultural and leisure activities. As a Catholic School and in Presentation tradition, religious education has a central place in the life of our school.
We consciously strive to facilitate the active involvement of parents, clergy and representatives of local organisations in the overall mission of our school community. It is our fervent wish that our students leave us with enhanced self-confidence and with life-skills and attributes which enable them to lead lives satisfying to themselves and lives which may contribute to the betterment of society.
Ireland in the latter half of the nineteenth century was a country of landlordism, absenteeism, rack-rents and evictions. Mitchelstown and its environs were no exception. The local Parish Priest, Rev. Morgan O’ Brien was anxious to introduce a community of teaching religious to educate the young people of the Parish. With the Bishop’s permission, he asked the Presentation Sisters in Doneraile for their assistance.
Three sisters volunteered to come to Mithcelstown and on June 14th, 1853 these Sisters left Doneraile in carriages for their journey to the new convent in Mitchelstown. Bonfires were lif on peaks of the Galtees and houses were decorated to welcome the Presentation Sisters to the town. On July 4th of the same year, the school opened its doors. Within a month 637 children of all ages were enrolled.
In 1909 the building of the new Primary School commenced but it was not until 1934 that provision was made for the secondary education of the girls to Intermediate Certificate Level. While the school was extended in 1954, it was not until 1966 that the status of the school changed from Secondary Branch of the Department of Education and Science, rather than under the Primary Branch as heretofore.
A further extension to the building was completed in 1970 and a new hockey pitch and tennis courts were created. The final phase of the School was completed in the early 1980’s.
The School, as it is today, caters for approximately 300 girls, providing a very extensive curriculum, enhanced at senior cycle by a co-operation policy with the neighbouring C.B.S. Though the first lay Principal was appointed in 1996, the School is ever cogniscent of the Presentation ethos and the legacy of Nano Nagle. Caring and full development education are the key elements of the school and each student is nurtured in accordance with her individual needs. The dedication of the Principal and the staff ensure the continuance of a tradition of excellence.