Lenten Resources w/c 15 March 2021

Welcome to the fourth week of Lent; the week that tells us Easter isn’t that far away!

We’re focusing on the ‘eNdureof our theme, ‘Let’s everybody eNdure Together’.  This fourth week of Lent  focuses on student wellbeing and on the question; how do we do get through all of what’s happening together?  Self-care, self-awareness, compassion for self and empathy are the kinds of qualities explored here.

In this material, focused on the Second reading for the Fourth Sunday of Lent students are provided with an opportunity to reflect on their own wellbeing and capacity to endure. But more than ‘endure’ Christians are called to joy.  The fourth week of Lent is Laetare Sunday or Sunday of Joy/Rejoicing.

As in previous weeks, students are also encouraged to direct their attention to others in our world in need of care.

There is a core sense of reflection to it, but through reflection also, hopefully, real teaching and learning.

Download Junior Cycle Lenten Resources

Download Senior Cycle Lenten Resources