First-Year wellbeing retreat and Mass of Welcome

After a successful wellbeing and bonding day facilitated by ThrowFire Retreats and Fr Joe McGrath Sacred Heart Secondary School Tullamore’s first year Mass of welcome was held in the Church of the Assumption Tullamore on Monday 23rd September prior to Mercy Day celebrations celebrated by the school chaplain Fr Joe Campbell.


This ceremony marked the beginning of their academic year and is a cherished tradition in the school community.  It is a special time to come together, celebrate and seek blessings for the year ahead and to allow their first-year students to be welcomed to the community here at the Sacred Heart.


The first-year students chose their own theme which was, “Let your light shine.” (Matthew 5:16) which expresses their gratitude and willingness to share their talents with their peers and to celebrate their successes.  The first-year students also decided on the music that was performed in addition to writing their own prayers of intercessions.  To mark their spiritual journey, the first-year students wrote a letter to their future selves detailing their hopes and aspirations for their time here at the Sacred Heart.  In six years time, in May 2030 at their grad Mass, the students will receive these letters to remind them of these hopes and aspirations.  After the celebration, some of the first years stated the following:

“I really liked the theme of letting my light shine. It encouraged me to join more extracurricular activities and discover any talents I might have.”

“It was my first time being surrounded by staff and students at the Sacred Heart School and it really helped me very welcome.”

“I really enjoyed Fr Joe’s statement about looking after one another and how we will always be looked after on our faith journey at the Sacred Heart”