Coláiste Iosagáin, Portarlington visit to Lourdes

Recently the Students from Coláiste Íosagáin Portarlington visited Lourdes.

In the below article a sixth year student,  Laura Slevin described their visit there in her own words.




From the 31st of July until the 6th of August, nine students from Coláiste Íosagáin, Portarlington along with our principal, Mr. Justin Brown undertook a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France with Portarlington parish. The group composed of Fifth year students Laura Slevin, Logan Wrafter, Veniamin Sahaidac, Carla McEvoy, Colleen Tinkler, Joseph Bernard, Sonia Chaari and Sophie Hayden and sixth year student, John O’Kane. All of us involved thoroughly enjoyed the experience!

The first two days consisted of getting to know the area, as well as viewing the procession in the evening from a height. It was such a beautiful sight watching the pilgrims from all over the world go around the procession holding their candles it was so peaceful, hearing everyone pray in unison. On the third day, we completed the lower stations of the cross, with prayers courtesy of Father Eugene and Father Hughes. The following day, the parish travelled to Bartres, where Saint Bernadette spent much of her childhood. Here we attended mass in the local church and the anointing of the sick took place. We walked there from Lourdes, and although the weather was wet and windy we enjoyed it immensely. The views and scenery from the height were incredible. While in Bartres, we visited the place where Saint Bernadette watched sheep, and we were even able to go into the stable there.  To be able to see where Saint Bernadette spent a lot of her time growing up made the whole place feel more special to us.



On the 3rd of August, we lit a big candle to remember all our loved ones and say a prayer for those who had passed away and it burned alongside all the other candles from parishes around the world. While there, we also took a big group photo of everyone that had come along to Lourdes.  This picture is hung proudly in our school reception, legacy of the first trip to Lourdes the school has undertaken with the parish. We also attended mass in the underground cathedral, which was streamed live on television. We carried the Portarlington banner and sign and the Irish flag around the altar before the mass and then back around after the ceremony had finished.



On the 4th of August, the day started with a televised Mass from down at the grotto at 8am. Mass was said by Father Hughes and all the other parish priests from the parishes of Portarlington, Mountmellick and Edenderry. All of us from the school read a prayer of the faithful for the mass and we carried the Portarlington banner. After the mass, a group of us went to do the high stations of the cross before returning to the hotel. That afternoon, we took a trip to the Pic du Jer. This is a point high above the town of Lourdes, visible by a large cross. We took a cable cart up to the top, where there was a café and shops. The views from the top were absolutely amazing, you could see the whole of the town and with the binoculars, you could see people around the grotto! Although I was absolutely terrified on the cable cart, I can honestly say the views were worth it.



The following morning, we went up to the castle in Lourdes. It was an interesting visit, and we learned lots about the history of it, including what life was like for those living inside,

and what it was used for down through the centuries. Seeing the castle as it gave us a different insight to the other history of Lourdes before Bernadette had her apparitions.

Our flight back on Tuesday morning was an early one, but not without plenty of chat. We arrived back in Portarlington at 1pm, a week later. If you asked anyone in the group, we would all say that the week absolutely flew by, we had so much fun all throughout the week. On a more personal note, the group that went from the school and parish are genuinely some of the nicest people you could ever meet. We spent hours just chatting up on the terrace of the hotel and even longer in the hotel reception playing cards. I have never played so many rounds of 31 and Uno, Veniamin even introduced us to chess! Had you told me just how well we would get on as a group and how much fun we would have, I would simply not have believed you, but the memories we made in Lourdes are memories I will hold and cherish forever.





The processions, the ice cream around the corner from the hotel and the very first day when we walked to Lidl in the 30° heat and the masses every day and the beautiful music from Anne, who sang beautifully. Finally, the kindness of everyone from the parish was simply heartwarming. Everyone was just so friendly and nice to us, and we met so many people from the parish. Every time I walk up town, I see someone I recognise from the pilgrimage and have got to know so many more people from Portarlington. If anyone reading this takes anything from it, it is to make the journey to Lourdes. Just to see the place that so many people find special the atmosphere is simply unmatched, and you would not regret it!

Laura Slevin (6th Year student)