18 Jan 2021
Presentation College Carlow TY Newsletter
TY Newsletter November/December 2020 The TY Newsletter November/December 2020 is now available. This newsletter is packed full of…
Read MoreTY Newsletter November/December 2020 The TY Newsletter November/December 2020 is now available. This newsletter is packed full of…
Read MoreNAPD Creative Engagement Project Below are a number of portraits of famous women painted by 5th Year Art…
#GRMA DAY On Friday, 11th of December 2020, the school community of St.Brigid’s paused and said #GRMA (Go raibh maith agaibh) to everyone in our school community…
Art Auction for Team up for Theo St. Mary’s Secondary school ran a fundraising art auction for Team…
St. Mary’s College Naas Food Drive for Naas Foodbank St. Mary’s College recently delivered the first of our…
Shop Local directly from the comfort of your home with St. Mary’s High School’s new online marketplace initiative-…
St. Mary’s Mallow December Newsletter The St. Mary’s Mallow Christmas Newsletter is now available. This newsletter shows all…
CHRISTMAS DAY IN ST MARY’S We celebrated Christmas Day in St Mary’s in a slightly different way this…
BT Young Scientist This years BT Young Scientist competition is going to be virtual in 2021. and as…