Friday 1st May 2015
An Ghaelbhratach is an Irish language scheme which officially recognises schools who are active in the promotion of Irish.
Since September, a cohort of students from TY, 5th year and 6th year all worked diligently together to fulfil all the necessary conditions to achieve this prestigious honour.
On Thursday 23rd of April, the coiste were invited to a presentation in Dublin where the Taoiseach Enda Kenny presented the flag to Sarah Kieran and Ellen Matthews of 5th year.
Everyone in the school is proud of the work put in by the committee, with their work ethic and endeavour encapsulating the whole school’s commitment to the Irish language, both as a school subject and more!
Mar a deir an seanfhocal “Is fearr Gaeilge briste ná Béarla cliste”.