Disclaimer / Copyright


While every effort has been made to ensure that the information and resources on this web site are accurate and current, some details may go out of date from time to time. These will be corrected as soon as possible.

CEIST is not responsible for the information held on other websites to which links are made from this website.

Information and views contained on these other websites do not necessarily reflect the policies or practices of CEIST.



The information, resources and publications on the CEIST web site come from a variety of sources and are meant for the public domain.

However, CEIST requests that in cases where this information is to be re-published (on the World Wide Web, in print or in electronic format), permission is sought from and credit given to CEIST or to the original source.

CEIST will make every effort to credit sources in a similar way.

Publications, documents, information downloaded or accessed from CEIST may not be altered in any way prior to re-publication.

Similarly, the information may not be sold or traded in any commercial way.