23 Oct 2020
Presentation Secondary School Ballyphehane feature in All Island Virtual Choir
Song of Hope & Friendship Wonderful to see the students of Presentation Secondary School Ballyphehane feature in this…
Presentation Secondary School, Ballyphehane strives for excellence in a Christian environment.
Our Aims;
Presentation Secondary School, Ballyphehane, was founded in 1966 as a Secondary Top of the 1950’s Maria Assumpta Primary School. In 1969 it became a full Secondary School under post primary Branch of the Department of Education and later initiated post Leaving Certificate programmes as well as being to the forefront of curriculum development. The school began with 18 students and now caters for up to 500 students. In 1987 a magnificent new extension was completed.
Our school has always being to the forefront of development. Its former Trustees, the Presentation Sisters, were founded by the pioneering Nano Nagle, whose vision of education for all has been implemented by the management and staff since our foundation. This has meant an open door policy towards every child and our school has been enriched over the years by students from cultures other than our own. Through these students, international links have been made, while strong links with the community are a vital part of the ethos of our school.
As the Global Village shrinks, we are constantly forging connections with the rest of the world, to assist in the development of every student.