Scoil Dara Kilcock News – October 2020

School Returns

After all the months of preparation Scoil Dara was delighted to open its door once again to our wonderful staff and students.  Things are very different to how they were last year but everyone seems to have settled in well.

In response to Covoid 19 , classes are now room based to reduce the movement of students; each year group has a separate entry and exit point. Sanitizing stations are present at every door and along corridors which are now operating a one-way system. It would be too numerous to list all the measures taken to minimize movement and provide the safest working , teaching and learning environment,  indeed Scoil Dara have now embraced this as a process, reviewing practices daily and making changes when necessary to improve the efficiency of the school day in the new reality of Covoid 19.


Geography Trip

The Senior Geography students attended Glendalough to complete their fieldwork activities, thankfully the weather was kind. All the diligent preparation by the teachers paid off and the students completed all tasks successfully, they are eagerly awaiting correcting all the written projects!



It didn’t take the artists of Kilcock to find show us their artistic skills students are busy working on sketching.